Why people choose Davtonlms
Cost Saving
Cost Saving
As a small business, your employees get to learn and update their skills without the additional cost of facilitation, transport logistics and learning materials.
Mobile learning
Mobile learning
Learners can study when and where they want to without restrictions with applications for iOS and Android.
Business Drive
Business Drive
With unlimited access to our resources library, you can improve agility across your workforce, drive bottom line success and adapt for future success through soft skill courses needed for employee growth such as the sales course.
Webinars and Live training
Webinars and Live training
Our Learning Management System at Davton Learn supports the integration of Zoom and Microsoft teams to enhance live training and webinars for your employee growth.
Automated Learning
Automated Learning
This feature allows your employees to self enroll, while you set all of your learning activities on the platform and automate it to work on autopilot without extra continuous input from you. Now you can use that time for other activities
Track Performance
Track Performance
Track the growth and development of your employees through data from learning reports and access to insights from reports
Trusted by 50,000+ learners
Launch in a snap
DavtonLMS for
We help growing companies scale through and manage employee training and development. We focus on developing your employees while you focus on your company's growth.
Dedicated tech support
DavtonLMS for
Our integration and unique features will help your growing business deliver best-in-class learning experiences tied towards your company's goals.
Mobile learning
DavtonLMS for
Large Organisations
We understand the challenges of dealing with a large workforce and this is why our learning platform uses self enrollment and insightful reporting to enable your employees learn with flexibility and minimal supervision and achieve a unified workflow.
Leverage training to drive your business

The learning experience aligns courses and training to the needs of your business. Acquisition of the necessary skills through courses that align with the business needs will help you achieve your business goals.

Explore DavtonLMS now
Leverage training to drive your business
Join the thousands of people using DavtonLMS
DavtonLMS has helped my staff become more accountable in their learning progress because the skills they learnt on the platform in a way increased their productivity at work
Opeyemi Ajayi
Opeyemi Ajayi
CEO, Nisola Consulting
DavtonLMS is a great platform. My staff have learnt a lot and they are looking forward to learning more. DavtonLMS is the number one learning platform for professionals in the world
Korede Oluwafemi
Korede Oluwafemi
Partner, Real Solicitors
Through DavtonLMS platform, my company can now track staff growth, giving us the opportunity to know how best to tackle arising skill gap among our staff.
Ayomide Akinro
Ayomide Akinro
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e-learning in 30 minutes

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